Disc contents (RC16 - 23 May 2020)

The disc image includes the following applications:
!Boot-the startup instructions, which can be reconfigured so that subsequent startups contain your personal desktop settings. This is based on the 'standard' RISC OS 5 boot structure with a few extra modules required by some applications.
From the directory '!Boot.Choices':
!StrEd_cfg1.03This sets the user preferences for StrongED.
From the directory '!Boot.Choices.Boot.PreDesk':
Fat32fs1.54 (02-Mar-2020)This provides the necessary resources so that FAT-formatted pen drives can be handled correctly.
From the directory '!Boot.Resources':
!AWViewer2.18 (12-Apr-2018)This allows ArtWorks files to be viewed. For example there are a few ArtWorks files in the directory SDFS::0.$.Documents.images.ArtWorks.
!Ghostscr8.71 (04-Apr-2017)This is a Postscript and PDF interpreter.
!SpecialFX1.05 (27-May-2004)This applies anti-aliasing to vector graphics, as well as to text.
From the directory '!Boot.Resources.!System.310.Modules':
BasicEdit1.07 (01-Aug-2015)This is a simple editor, invoked by the 'EDIT' command from within BASIC.
IClear1.34 (20-Jul-2008)An icon clearer.
IConV0.12 (20-Jan-2013)A resource required by Netsurf.
SharedULib1.14 (05-Sep-2015)The shared Unix library, a resource required by Netsurf.
Tinct0.14 (25-Apr-2009)A resource required by Netsurf. Not yet ARM 7 safe so either Netsurf should be configured not to use it (by choosing the 'Use OS' option for images) or the CPU configuration should be set to ARM v5 compatibility mode.
From the icon 'Apps':
!Alarm2.95 (18-Apr-2020)In ROM. This shows the time on the icon bar and allows alarms to be set.
!Chars2.05 (25-Apr-2020)In ROM. Shows non-printing characters and allows their input by a mouse click.
!CloseUp3.19 (13-Jul-2015)On standard HardDisc4 image. Magnifies a part of the screen.
!Director0.39 (17-Feb-2015)Director is a general purpose desktop tool. It allows you to customise your desktop by creating menus of useful commands and icons to attach the menus. Director has some other useful features such as remembering the most recently used files, adding key strokes into the keyboard buffer and to producing directory menus over drive icons. It also shows the time.
!Draw1.41 (25-Apr-2020)In ROM. Vector graphic editor.
!Edit1.74 (27-May-2020)In ROM. Text editor.
!Help3.26 (12-Oct-2019)In ROM. Provides interactive help.
!Maestro2.13 (01-Jun-2019)On standard HardDisc4 image. Edit and play music.
!Netsurf3.10 (24-May-2020)A web browser.
!Omni2.32 (16-Mar-2020)Provides a user interface to network protocols.
!Packman0.9.5β (13-Apr-2020)A package manager.
!Paint2.35 (23-May-2020)In ROM. A bitmap editor.
!PipeDream4.57.01 (21-Mar-2020)PipeDream offers all the facilities you would expect from the following separate programs: word processor; spreadsheet; database; charts package.
!Printers1.89 (28-Feb-2018)On standard HardDisc4 image. Allows printing to a PDF.
!SciCalc0.90 (04-Apr-2020)On standard HardDisc4 image. A calculator.
!Squash0.57 (26-Jun-2018)On standard HardDisc4 image. A file squashing programme.
!Store1.37 (05-Jul-2020)Allows free and commercial software to be downloaded (auto-updates to latest version, currently 1.38 (31-Jul-2020).
!StrongED4.69b5 (07-Jul-2013)A text editor.
!StrongHelp2.90 (03-Apr-2017)Allows 'StrongHelp' files to be displayed.
From the directory 'Diversions':
!Blocks-On standard HardDisc4 image. A 'Tetris'-style game.
!CntDown0.24 (01-Jan-2020)The CountDown numbers game.
!Doku1.05 (22-Feb-2014)A sudoku game.
!Flasher1.10 (19-Sep-2015)On standard HardDisc4 image. Flashes the cursor.
!Hopper1.05 (23-Dec-2014)On standard HardDisc4 image. Frogger game.
!Madness-On standard HardDisc4 image. What it says!
!MemNow0.08 (19-Jan-2020)On standard HardDisc4 image. Displays free memory.
!Meteors0.22 (24-Feb-2014)On standard HardDisc4 image. A game.
!MineHunt1.18 (15-Jul-2013)On standard HardDisc4 image. A game.
!Patience0.76 (24-Feb-2018)On standard HardDisc4 image. A card game.
!Poker1.029' (09-Feb-2016)A poker game.
!Puzzle1.09 (15-Sep-2015)On standard HardDisc4 image. A tile moving game.
!SChain1.00 (31-Dec-2009)A logic game.
!SignalBox42.92 (13-Oct-2014)A signal box simulation.
From the directory 'Printing':
!PrintPDF1.12 (22-Oct-2017)Allows printing to PDF.
From the directory 'Programming':
!Charm2.6.6 (Nov-2013)A programming language.
Dr Wimp-A programming environment.
!RiscLua5.70 16-Aug-2013)A programming environment.
!PHP5.2.2A programming language.
From the directory 'Utilities'
!7backup1.20A command line programme for backing up. Requires the Routines libraries.
!7bupstats0.37 (16-Dec-2011)Complementary to 7backup.
!ChangeFSI1.63 (16-Nov-2018)On standard HardDisc4 image. Allows colour space of images to be altered.
!DPlgScan1.30 (07-Jun-2020)A bit map editor.
!InterGIF6.19 (15-Jul-2013)Allows creation of 'gif' files.
!Manuals-A location for StrongHelp manuals.
!ePic-An advert.
!Patch1.38 (29-Mar-2015)A patch utility.
!PDF3. (06-Mar-2017)A PDF viewer.
!PrivatEye3.01 (19-Jan-2018)An image viewer.
!Routines-A routines library.
!ShowScrap-On standard HardDisc4 image. Allows temporary 'scrap' files to be viewed.
!Snapper1.37.2 (11-Apr-2019)Allows screenshots to be taken.
!SparkFS1.44 (08-Feb-2016)On standard HardDisc4 image. A read-only file decompression utility.
!SwiftJPEG1.12 (1-Aug-2007)A JPEG viewer.
!SyncDiscs1.28 (22-Dec-2014)Keeps two different directories updated one to/from another.
!T1ToFont1.37 (11-Aug-2018)On standard HardDisc4 image.
!UnTarBZ21.11On standard HardDisc4 image.
!Usage1.04 (18-Sep-2015)Shows memory and task usage,
!WinMenu-Treats 'window' key as a MENU mouse click.
From the directory 'Utilities.Caution':
!HForm2.75 (09-Dec-2017)On standard HardDisc4 image. Use with caution.
Instructions are also provided to show the user how to download other free applications and where to obtain some of the 'key' commercial applications. Two applications facilitate this: !Store and !PackMan.