*| This file will be run using '*Exec RunMe' *| Set status to convenient values for BBXM *| In lieu of a file 'cmos' on the SD card *status FileSystem SCSI *status SCSIFSDrive 0 *status CDROMDrives 0 *basic REM Allocate 64Mbytes to the RAM filing system SYS "OS_ChangeDynamicArea",5,64000000 QUIT *| Set file type of default HardDisc image *settype HardDisc4/util Utility *| Copy this self-extracting image to the RAM disc *copy HardDisc4/util RAM::0.$.* ~c ~v *| Copy network driver EtherUSB 0.12 if present *| obtain from the URL below: *| http://effarig.co.uk/riscos/ *ifthere EtherUSB then copy EtherUSB RAM::0.$.* ~c ~v else echo Netowrk driver not present *| Select the RAM filing system *ram *| Extract the necessary 'vanilla' boot image *run HardDisc4/util *| Move it into the root directory of the RAM disc *copy HardDisc4.* * ~c d r ~v *delete HardDisc4 *delete HardDisc4/util *Dir !Boot.Resources.!System.310.Modules *CDir Network *Dir BASIC REM Now add networking for the BBXM P=OPENIN"EtherUSB" IF P<>0 THEN CLOSE#P *SetType EtherUSB Module P=OPENOUT"SetUpNet" BPUT#P,"Run BootResources:!Internet" CLOSE#P *SetType SetUpNet Obey *Access !Boot.RO510Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet /RW *Copy SetUpNet !Boot.RO510Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet ~c ~v d *Access !Boot.RO510Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet RW/R *Access !Boot.RO500Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet /RW *Copy SetUpNet !Boot.RO500Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet ~c ~v d *Copy EtherUSB RAM::0.$.!Boot.Resources.!System.310.Modules.Network.* ~c ~v d *Access !Boot.RO500Hook.Boot.PreDesk.SetUpNet RW/R *Dir !Boot.Choices *CDir Internet *Dir P=OPENOUT"!Boot.Choices.Internet.Routes" BPUT#P,"|=====================================================================|" BPUT#P,"| Routes file for !Internet V5.39 (10-Jan-03) |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| Place any extra *Route commands, apart from the default route that |" BPUT#P,"| can be set using !InetConf, into this file. |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| For example, if your machine is connected to net 1, and you wish to |" BPUT#P,"| establish a route to net 2 via the interface on a gateway: |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| IF """" = """" THEN Route -e add -net 2 |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| (The IF...THEN statement above is necessary, as is the '-e' |" BPUT#P,"| parameter.) |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"|=====================================================================|" CLOSE#P *SetType !Boot.Choices.Internet.Routes Obey P=OPENOUT"!Boot.Choices.Internet.StartUp" BPUT#P,"|================================================================|" BPUT#P,"| Startup file for !Internet V5.39 (10-Jan-03) |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| This file was automatically generated by !InetSetup. Do not |" BPUT#P,"| edit it by hand unless you REALLY, REALLY, know what you're |" BPUT#P,"| doing. Comments and spacing are significant to !InetSetup. |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| If you want to add extra configuration options, place them in |" BPUT#P,"| the User file. |" BPUT#P,"|================================================================|" BPUT#P,"" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Host name" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$HostName myname" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$LocalDomain .nom" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$EtherDevice EtherUSB" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$EtherIPAddr" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$EtherIPMask" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Interface: EtherUSB" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"RMEnsure EtherUSB 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.EtherUSB" BPUT#P,"IfConfig -e ej0 netmask" BPUT#P,"CheckError" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$EtherTypeA " BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Loopback" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"IfConfig -e lo0" BPUT#P,"CheckError" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$EtherType " BPUT#P,"Unset Inet$EtherTypeA" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Name resolver" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"If """" = """" Then Set Inet$Resolvers" BPUT#P,"Set Alias$InetLoadResolver ""If > 370 Then X ResolverConfig Else RMEnsure Resolver 0.55 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.Resolver""" BPUT#P,"SetEval Test$Eval 1" BPUT#P,"RMEnsure Resolver 0.55 SetEval Test$Eval 0" BPUT#P,"If Test$Eval THEN ResolverConfig" BPUT#P,"Unset Test$Eval" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Routing" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"Route -e add default" BPUT#P,"CheckError" BPUT#P,"Run Choices:Internet.Routes" BPUT#P,"CheckError" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$IsGateway """"" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$RouteDOptions """"" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"| Access" BPUT#P,"|" BPUT#P,"IfThere Resources:$.Resources.ShareFS.!Boot then Run Resources:$.Resources.ShareFS.!Boot" BPUT#P,"RMFind Freeway 0.26 System:Modules.Network.Freeway" BPUT#P,"RMFind ShareFS 3.38 System:Modules.Network.Share+" BPUT#P,"SetEval Inet$KickFiler 1" CLOSE#P *SetType !Boot.Choices.Internet.StartUp Obey P=OPENOUT"!Boot.Choices.Internet.User" BPUT#P,"|================================================================|" BPUT#P,"| User startup file for !Internet V5.39 (10-Jan-03) |" BPUT#P,"| |" BPUT#P,"| Place any special configuration options that cannot be set |" BPUT#P,"| using !InetSetup into this file. It is executed immediately |" BPUT#P,"| after the automatically-generated Startup file. |" BPUT#P,"|================================================================|" BPUT#P,"" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$MimeMappings InetDBase:MimeMap" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$ResolverDelay 5" BPUT#P,"Set Inet$ResolverRetries 3" BPUT#P,"SetEval Test$Eval 1" BPUT#P,"RMEnsure Resolver 0.55 SetEval Test$Eval 0" BPUT#P,"If Test$Eval THEN ResolverConfig" BPUT#P,"Unset Test$Eval" CLOSE#P *SetType !Boot.Choices.Internet.User Obey P=OPENOUT"!Boot.Resources.Configure.!INetSetUp.AutoSense.EtherJ" BPUT#P,"Set InetSetUp$Driver$USB EtherUSB:ej0:EtherUSB:0.09:EtherUSB" CLOSE#P *SetType !Boot.Resources.Configure.!INetSetUp.AutoSense.EtherJ Obey ENDIF QUIT *Run !Boot