Technical Documentation
The technical documentation comprises mechanical locking table,
dog chart and electrical control table. A description of the software simulation
itself is given, with some information on how it was
converted to run under Windows. Clcik on the images below to
load full size images. The largest of these images (the dog chart for Exeter West)
is 644k in size and is a bit map of size 14074 by 2100 pixels
so can be viewed in a browser window but not all on the screen at the same time!
To view this large bitmap, you will need a competent browser, so Netscape 7.1, Oregano 2.2,
WebsterXL 1.99 are all fine but Internet Explorer 5.5 just displays a small cross
in a box. Microsoft strikes again!
Exeter West (1963) |
Morlais Junction |
Radyr Junction (1961) |
Dog chart not available
Electrical control table not available
Radyr Junction (1984) |
Dog chart not available
Electrical control table not available
Radyr Junction (1987) |
Electrical control table not available
Bewdley North (1956) |