These images are from a presentation given to the Bristol group
of the S.V.R.A. on 13th September 1999. They are arranged as separate
slide shows - click on the signal to start the slide show:
Signal Engineering and the S.V.R. A brief introduction to the signalling principles.
A trip up the line with the S&T. A journey behind a class 50
to carry out some work during S&T week 1999.
A slower trip up the line with the S&T for those of you with
a slower Internet connection. A journey behind a class 50
to carry out some work during S&T week 1999.
Take a ride up the line. A longer journey up the line including a location cupboard renewal at Bewdley and
some cable laying near Crossing Cottage.
The block system and conclusion (to follow).
.. to be continued ..